Is Your "Woke Bae" Really as Woke as He Thinks He Is?

So, you've finally found someone to go on a date with, and things are going well... or are they? It's always important to be with someone who shares your values and beliefs, but how can you tell if your date is truly progressive? Look out for these 15 signs that might indicate they're not as woke as they seem. You deserve to be with someone who aligns with your ideals, so don't settle for anything less. And if you're still on the hunt for that perfect date, check out this site for some helpful tips.

In the age of social justice and activism, many people are looking for partners who are socially aware and politically conscious. However, just because a guy claims to be "woke" doesn't necessarily mean he actually is. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating might not be as woke as he thinks he is.

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1. He Only Talks the Talk

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One of the first signs that your "woke bae" might not be as woke as he claims is if he only talks the talk. Sure, he might post about social justice issues on social media and talk a big game, but when it comes to taking real action or having meaningful conversations, he falls short.

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2. He Doesn't Listen to Your Experiences

A truly woke partner should be able to listen and empathize with your experiences, especially if you belong to a marginalized group. If your guy dismisses or invalidates your experiences, it's a clear sign that he's not as woke as he thinks.

3. He Doesn't Educate Himself

Being woke means being committed to educating oneself about social issues and injustices. If your guy isn't actively seeking out knowledge about these issues or isn't willing to engage in conversations about them, it's a red flag.

4. He Doesn't Acknowledge His Privilege

A woke partner should be aware of their privilege and use it to uplift and support marginalized communities. If your guy doesn't acknowledge his privilege or actively work to dismantle systems of oppression, he's not as woke as he claims.

5. He Makes Problematic Jokes

Humor can be a good indicator of someone's true beliefs and values. If your guy makes jokes that are racist, sexist, or otherwise problematic, it's a sign that he's not as socially aware as he claims to be.

6. He Doesn't Support Your Activism

If your partner doesn't support your activism or belittles your efforts to create change, it's a clear sign that he's not as woke as he thinks he is.

7. He Doesn't Respect Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is a key aspect of being socially aware and respectful. If your guy consistently disregards your boundaries, it's a sign that he's not as woke as he claims.

8. He Doesn't Challenge His Friends

A woke partner should be willing to challenge their friends and family members when they say or do something problematic. If your guy doesn't do this, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

9. He Doesn't Support Intersectionality

Intersectionality is an important aspect of social justice, and a woke partner should understand and support this concept. If your guy doesn't acknowledge or support intersectionality, it's a red flag.

10. He Doesn't Check His Privilege

Checking one's privilege is a crucial aspect of being woke. If your guy doesn't check his privilege or gets defensive when it's brought to his attention, he's not as woke as he claims.

11. He Doesn't Take Feedback Well

A truly woke partner should be open to feedback and willing to learn and grow. If your guy gets defensive or dismissive when you try to offer feedback, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

12. He Doesn't Support Black-Owned Businesses

Supporting marginalized communities, including Black-owned businesses, is an important aspect of being woke. If your guy doesn't actively support these businesses, it's a sign that he's not as socially aware as he claims.

13. He Doesn't Address His Biases

We all have biases, but a woke partner should be willing to address and work on their biases. If your guy doesn't acknowledge or work on his biases, it's a sign that he's not as socially conscious as he claims.

14. He Doesn't Hold Himself Accountable

Being woke means holding oneself accountable for one's actions and words. If your guy doesn't hold himself accountable or deflects blame onto others, it's a sign that he's not as socially aware as he claims.

15. He Doesn't Actively Support Social Causes

Finally, a truly woke partner should actively support social causes and be willing to take real action to create change. If your guy talks a big game but doesn't back it up with action, he's not as woke as he claims.

In conclusion, just because a guy claims to be "woke" doesn't mean he actually is. It's important to look for these signs and have open and honest conversations with your partner about their beliefs and values. If they don't align with your own, it might be time to reevaluate the relationship. After all, you deserve a partner who is truly as socially aware and conscious as they claim to be.